Social Follow & Followers Support with Oracle Content Management

Oracle Content Manage has support to enable users to follow or be followed by other users similar to Twitter - if you are looking to create this kind of capability and allow users to follow others from within the site or an app you are building here is how you can do it easily with OCM using their REST APIs!
FYI... First check out the OCM Social Widget
Also if you haven't seen it - I built an OCM Social Widget with these features in you can download the source and view the post here.
Here are a couple simple functions you will need:
Get a list of all users in OCM
There are filters that enable you to search for users or flags to just show users that are enabled on the OCM Platform - this will give you the list of the users their status and if they are following you.
/social/api/v1/people (GET)
Add a follower
It's easy to add a follower once you have their UID
/social/api/v1/people/{peopleID}/followers (POST)
Remove a follower
Same as adding a follower just change the end point
/social/api/v1/people/{peopleID}/followers (DELETE)
Get follower info on other users
You can also check who is following a user or who they are following with the following calls.
/social/api/v1/people/{peopleID}/followers (GET)
/social/api/v1/people/{peopleID}/following (GET)
That's pretty much it!
Call those services create your own UI and you're good to go with social capabilities delivered by OCM.