The Oracle JavaScript Extension Toolkit JET 13.0.0

It's been a year or two since I've really dived into Oracle JET - Oracles open source toolkit for quickly developing web apps with it's modern Redwood UX. I started using it 5 maybe 6 years ago with version 4 and it's come a long way since then.
Checkout this video from Oracle GroundBreakers with me and the PM Team back in September 2019 to get a feel of what Oracle JET is and what makes it so good!
#CodeOne #OracleJET panel with @geertjanw, @peppertech, @JRSim_UIX, @phani_g
— Oracle Developer Community (@groundbreakers) September 17, 2019
I was hoping that there would be a few sessions at CloudWorld this year - but alas it looks as if this year is targetted purely at Apps - although there are a few sessions that have been able to sneak through with VBCS.
If you know Javascript or TypeScript you can quickly and easily pickup and code with JET and for me the area I enjoy the best are the prebuilt cookbook responsive components that the Oracle Team maintain and enhance - 90% of the time I can find a component that I need and easily quickly drop it in and create applications faster than searching through opensource libraries or writing my own components.
Here is a sample custom CAPTCHA WebComponent I made 3 years ago with JET7 and I'm tempted to revamp this using Cloudflares turnstile and JET13..
If you are interested in learning about JET - I also have an Awesome Link List with lots of great resources to checkout.
But with that said the best 2 places to really dive in and get started
As it's been sometime - I'll be catching up with the latest features with JET 13 and writing a few new posts on this not so well known Javascript Framework outside of Oracle ecosystem and how you can use it to quickly build apps, and webcomponents and reuse and tie in JET Components into other frameworks such as svelte, vue, preact etc..