OCM 22.9.3 — September 2022 Release Notes Deep Dive

Lets take look through the release notes at items that stand out to me with the latest release in September and talk through some of these in a slight bit more detail.
Desktop Client
It's interesting in November - we will have a new desktop client with authentication happening within your default browser and removing the integrated experience where you will now have to manually close the sign in window. I'm not sure I fully understand this it's seems like a backwards step but maybe it's a completely new desktop client written from the ground up with new features and authentication flow is not yet fully baked in with the new release?
I do like that there is an -relogin parameter to force users to sign in if you use your own installation package.
New Rich Text Editor
Within Sites and the default Content Forms the text editor (CKEditor4) will be replaced with TinyMCE - the editing of Rich Text will remain the same to users. There is no mention as to why there is a replacement to TinyMCE or improvements on using the new RTE.. TBH I quite prefer CKEditor (and if you have a license to 5 - I have an option within my Custom Form Component provided by Fishbowl Solutions to switch to that version).
I can only presume it is down to Oracle's licensing T&Cs with CKEditor and switching to TinyMCE. An alternative editor I'm loving at the moment is Lexical Free and opensource developed by facebook!
Slack Integration
It's here after years of talking about it - it's finally made it to primetime. I ran through the setup guide and connected it to my slack instance and will be creating my own post shortly on it.
The integration enables a streamlined way of sharing documents and folders into slack conversations - I have to say whoever worked on this great job!!!
It's slick and fast..

iOS 16 mobile app support
Not a big one for me I have an android but for those of you with iOS release 16 is now supported.
There were two updates here but I was unable to figure out what's changed from looking at the release notes.. I'll sync up with the PM team and update when I find out.
CEC CLI Tools Updates
You can now:
- upload and download localisation policies
- Create a text formatted site map..
I need to look into this I'm not sure what the benefit would be over the xml release. - Set translated on content items.
Virus checking & False Positives in Documents
You can now add an admin email that allows users to report assets that may be blocked and prevented from being distributed by a false positive virus scan.
Doing this enables admins once a report has come in to enable the distribution of the document and ignore the false positive. .. Or ignore that a Virus is being distributed.

Asset Search Query
This looks interesting - you can now for text in any field!.... this includes searching file contents when using type-specific search..
Something like this search against all assets where the type is file and contents contains Employee. That's going to be great - need to test this out with different formats!
?q=((type eq "File") AND (metadata.extractedText co "Employee"))
Improved Documentation for how to integrate with Microsoft Office

That's pretty much it! - Keep an eye out for post on integrating Slack with OCM and the slick UI.