Next Generation Portals with Oracle Content Management

Over the last couple years I've been building a suite of components designed for employee engagement and advocacy on-top of Oracle Content Management and thought it would be great to break out share some of the key capabilities and features I've built out that you can achieve with the OCM APIs and show off a new Portal accelerator solution designed to kickstart your next generation portal on OCM (Portal in a Box).
OCM OOTB - Brand Portal
Don't worry if you have installed it - it will be coming back with new and improved features with automated upgrade support later this year!
If you want access to the old version it is still available under the OCM Templates as a downloadable!
You can learn more about the Brand Portal Here

OCM Portal in a Box
OCM can do so much  than what you see in the Kickstarter portal above not just DAM and content management... if you deep dive into it's APIs.
Below I've broken down the features of our new accelerator into bitesize snippets that cover the functionality that I've built-in with the help our team to help support customers and provide them with a powerful base portal to use and integrate with; on top of the  Oracle Content Management platform.
I'll also be working on a video demo series shortly..
Keep an eye out and subscribe ;) or get in contact for a live demo.
- Sign-in
- Multilingual
- Branding
- Content Personalisation with Taxonomies and Identity
- Threaded Discussions
- Profile Management
- MicroBlogging
- People Finder
- Following and Followers
- Search with # Hash tagging and @ Alias locating
- Content Cards
- Notifications
- DAM and personal storage
- Security
...and all leverage the OOTB capabilities of OCM without need to have thirdparty integrations.
Case Study and live Demo
If you'd like to jump in and see a joint presentation with DHL and their employee engagement portal running on top of OCM head over to the Fishbowl Solutions site here: Â

The Features ::
If you need SSO, Federation, social oAuth2.0 or biometrics with the added support for New User Registration, PW Reset tied to a branded login handled via IDCS.

Built in multilingual support that has the ability to autodetect the users local or alternatively allow the user to overwrite the settings automatically pulling in translated content from OCM that matches up with their integrated profile settings.
If a translation is not available the language reverts to English as the master language.

A core CSS theme file is available that allows you to implement multiple themes as well as enabling certain areas of the app to use it's own theme.
Just as the BBC colour co-ordinates its site within sections.

Content Personalisation
Whether it is by region, department or multiple user parameters - it is possible to personalise content and widgets that are delivered to the end user via taxonomies and the identity groups they are assigned too or held hidden within their profile settings managed by an admin against the user account.

Threaded Discussions
Where would we be without threaded discussion allowing user to comment on content, add hash tags to group content for others - notifying other users to check out great content with @ alias flagging as well as the ability to report and flag content or posts if not deemed appropriate - powered with OCM Conversations.

Profile Management
For me this is key to any portal an area where the user has control to upload a picture add a bit of information about themselves and customise how content is personalised and delivered to them.

What if you had your own corporate private twitter solution where users could easily post and engage with other users from around the world and follow key areas that interest them - find out more on how other are easily integrating and working with new systems and giving employees a voice into the company.

People Finder
Yes, It's possible to build your own people finder solution and connect with other users with OCM - there are limitations with the search unfortunately but it can easily be extended to give your company their own internal version of LinkedIn to help find skilled team members.
Following and Followers
As with microblogging - what if you want to follow users like Elon Musk and keep up with the latest and greatest memes he posts on the twitter platform.. Follow key content posted by the CTO and find out the latest updates and innovations being delivered by the portal and your company.

with # Hash tagging and @ Alias locating
Search can be tricky on OCM but it does have quite a few nice hidden features from tagging or reporting content.

Content Cards / Layouts
The way in which the app is built is all targeted to personalised content that is delivered within a feed as byte sized content cards, from Articles, Sections, Media, Galleries and more - these are grouped together by Feeds that contain sections of content that group all other content types.

Although you can do this with the OCM profile APIs - this is one key feature that I've always ended up using a third party to handle and send out web or native push notifications to end users to bring that back into the app to view key content and content items that they may be following.

DAM and personal storage
Whether it is a shared library of assets or private content that as a user you want to be able to quickly access and share this is easily achieved via a customised OCM Documents widget.

With the ability to now provide security to content assets that are mapped to taxonomies it is possible to more securely lock down assets - however the team have built an additional layer for Portal in a Box to further enhance and make security more granular and easier to manage.
This is just a little of what is included within our Next Generation OCM Portal accelerator that our client use today.
And finally - here is a quick preview of loading the portal into Microsoft Teams!