Creating the next generation Enterprise blogging platform on Oracle Content Management

OCM has come a long long way since it's release over 5 years ago - and although there are blogging samples and guides - they still lack the feeling of a true clean fast and performant blogging experience. Maybe this is on the roadmap as part of their next gen Sites Editor Experience..
Don't get me wrong; OCM is a great CMS plus more.. And Oracle uses it to power their main site and their blogs! Just OOTB the CMS for me is missing something to make it a truly powerful enterprise blogging platform.
So.. I thought.. Hey; this would be fun..
Create a mini series of posts on how I would create my own solution on OCM; breaking it down into the following chunks:
- The User Experience taking learnings from other well built platforms.
- Simplifying the content contribution and management flows. - The Editor blogging admin dashboard
- For managing and creating posts using OCM Custom Forms and new asset types. - Headless client-side blogging interface
- built with Sveltekit as TWA/PWA and using OCM experiences to publish content to Netlify. - OCM Sites driven Blogging Template
- Re-using svelte components from the headless interface and embedding them into OCM Sites Components. ie. Threaded Discussion and more..
This is going to be fun.. hope you enjoy the ride and if you want to collaborate have ideas and concepts to share please reach out! Thanks.