Introducing the BitmapBytes Blog

The new BitmapBytes site is now live! Bringing you the latest in tech that I've discovered and actively playing around with that I believe is worth while sharing with you; from UX to UI to Cloud and beyond.
It's the 7th September 2022 and I'm just getting settled in and setup - but if you're interested... This blog is running on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure on the ALWAYS FREE TIER! It took me about an hour to configure and so far it's running great.. .. well ok I'm the only one on this site at the moment - so we'll see how things go in the future.
..Yes; the next blog post will be on "How to get your site up and running on OCI - always free offering" Diving into how you easily you can setup a CMS Blogging platform like Ghost configure SSL and hookup your Domain and emails all for free..
And maybe I'll diverge on how to create headless JAMSTack experience running on Netlify using combining Ghost and Content Experience to manage the content delivery if this site starts to get slow.
With that said.. Things will be up and running here shortly, but in the meantime you can subscribe - if you'd like to stay up to date and receive emails when new content is published!