Free Oracle Content Management Social Widget!

I thought it would be neat to start giving early access to some custom OCM Developed Components that I'll be working on and releasing officially on this blog - this will be the first one - a small social widget!
Download and view source @github
GitHub - JohnRSim/OCM-Social-Widget: Free Custom Component for searching and connecting with users in OCM
Free Custom Component for searching and connecting with users in OCM - GitHub - JohnRSim/OCM-Social-Widget: Free Custom Component for searching and connecting with users in OCM
The social widget is a quick way to find and connect with users who have OCM accounts.
Enables users the ability to:
- Search for other users
- Follow or unfollow users
- View users you are actively following
- View who is following you
Additionally there will be a separate social button widget you can configure and place on an article or blog for OCM registered users to follow you without the need to open the social widget and search for the user..
A great little tool for intranets/portals.
Widget Status v1.0.0 Complete...
I've just started pulling the project together - so keep an eye out and if you want to collaborate and work on this or build something else ping me a message.
- Login page using oAuth2 via IDCS (Complete)
- Social widget dashboard (Complete)
- Enable build as CustomElement / WebComponent (Complete)
- Grabbing user info and total following and followers (Complete)
- Next add search and integrate follow/unfollow UI (Complete)
- Headless WebComponent (Complete)
- OCM Sites Component with dynamic settings (Complete)
- Cleanup (Complete)