Experimenting with a Mobile Dashboard Experience.

Recently I've been playing around with a concept of providing an enterprise personalised app user experience for large blue chip orgs - reusing the same mobile app experience that users are familiar with; designed using web technologies.
This would allow employees to search across a corporate internal app store and add apps via icons to their personalised mobile web app dashboard ie a sandbox mobile app launcher. These apps could be Native, PWA, TWA or just a shortcut to an internal secured website.
Here is a quick demo of the initial concept base that I'll be using to build upon using Sveltekit and PWA/TWA.
Full credits go to https://twitter.com/argyleink for the initial UI code base and concept - a CSS genius and Magician; if you are a web developer - I highly recommend you to follow him..
And then go..
Next up is https://twitter.com/askRodney another developer I would highly recommend you follow. Whenever I start a new Sveltekit project I always use his sveltkit-blog-mdx project as my base and take a lot of inspiration from the tech blog post he pushes out. https://github.com/rodneylab/sveltekit-blog-mdx
With that said here is my initial draft - that I plan to be enhancing and working on and connecting with Cloud Solutions and Platforms such as HCM, ODA and OCM.
If you need something similar - I'm open sourcing my base here:
This is still early but as part of this I'd love to incorporate mobile styled widgets users can drop into the dashboard similar to iOS/Android and allow developers to create WebComponents that can be easily dropped into the experience and then follow-up and look at how this could be enhanced and made responsive as a flexible desktop interface.