Feedback & Sponsors

I'm always looking at how I can improve on the content at BitmapBytes and you'll notice if you are a regular visitor - that I'm continuously reviewing and enhancing my posts and pushing updates to my suite of components on github for you to try out and dig through the code.
Let me know if you have any suggestions on how I could improve on the content I'm sharing... from creating tiktok shorts to more in-depth video guides; which.. I'm thinking to start working on soon.. Perhaps after CloudWorld..
.. and be sure to share your work on Twitter; adding a mention - so I can see cool things you've created and if you opensource it or write a post let me know your blog - so I can get it features in the Awesome OCM Links repository..
Get in touch or keep up to date with the latest posts.
Follow me on twitter @JRSim_UIX & leave me a comment or use the contact form on BitmapBytes - promise I'll read it ;)
You can also subscribe to BitmapBytes to find out the latest news.. Don't worry I won't Spam you every time I create a new post but every so often, I'll create a post on what exciting things I've been working on and share that out..
Sponsor or buy me a coffee
If you have found BitmapBytes useful please consider supporting me through github Sponsors and buy me a coffee - it basically powers me...