Embrace the Future Beyond Oracle Content Management's End-of-Service in 2025

Embrace the Future Beyond Oracle Content Management's End-of-Service in 2025

As many of you might be aware, Oracle has recently announced the end of life for their Oracle Content Management Cloud Services, setting the final date of service for December 31, 2025. This decision marks a significant shift in the landscape of content management solutions with no roadmap for a new service offering or migration path to another service for example Oracle WebCenter Content in the Cloud.

If you haven't seen it - attached is the Oracle Content Management Cloud Services Statement of Direction:

You can find out more information about this notice here:

Oracle Content Management Cloud Service Statement of Direction and End of Service FAQ

But wait..., there's a silver lining!

The New Fishbowl Solutions Content Management Box.
Be sure to check out the progress of this new platform and it's support for WebCenter Content.
Introducing (O)CM Box: A Revolutionary Cloud-Enabled Content and Document Management Platform
💡Yesterday Oracle officially announced - OCM End of Service 2025. You can read more on it here Embrace the Future Beyond Oracle Content Management’s End-of-Service in 2025 Not to worry.... I’ve been closely working with the Fishbowl Solutions team on their new Cloud-Enabled Content and Document M…
(O)Content Management Box Architecture Insights
I’ve been pulling together a series of post on the new Content Management Platform CM Box that the Fishbowl Solutions team have been working on to help provide customers with an alternative option to Oracle Content Management - enabling them to continue leveraging the functional features they need w…
Next Generation Enterprise CMS/DAM experience designed for Oracle WebCenter Content
Last year after the news of the EOL of OCM the team at Fishbowl Solutions started on the journey of recreating the platform from the ground up. The platform follows the same architecture and UX as OCM enabling quick onboarding and simplified content migration with the added benefit of being

The team over at Fishbowl Solutions have been working on an innovative new CMS platform designed specifically for this transition. The platform is not just a replacement; it's a leap into the future of content management with integrated GenAI, dedicated content conversion server, MS Teams integration and much more. Tailored for Oracle Content Management users, the service ensures a smooth, hassle-free transfer of your valuable data, to a third party Object Store (Oracle Obj Store, S3, Google Cloud Storage) letting you continue your operations without skipping a beat.

Why Consider It?

  1. Seamless Integration: Effortlessly migrate your existing Oracle Content Management data with  easy-to-use tools and dedicated support team.
  2. Advanced Features: Experience enhanced functionalities that go beyond traditional content management, including AI-driven insights, robust security protocols, and intuitive user interface.
  3. Customizable and Scalable: Whether you're a small business or a large enterprise, the solution scales to meet your unique needs, growing as you grow.
  4. Commitment to Excellence: The Fishbowl Solutions team have been working in the Content Management space since 1999 and although OCM is only 7 years old its roots lie with the same technology stack as that back in 1999 (Stellent) and the evolution of the product; enabling an experienced smooth transition with minimal disruption to your operations ensuring continuity and peace of mind.

Join the Fishbowl Solution team and @me on This Journey

The end of Oracle Content Management's service doesn't have to be the end of your content management efficiency. Instead, it's an opportunity to explore new horizons and harness the power of a solution that's built for tomorrow's challenges.

Stay tuned as the Fishbowl Solutions team and BitmapBytes unveil more details about the platform in the coming weeks. Ensuring that your journey from Oracle Content Management is not just a transition, but a transformation.

Make sure to subscribe @BitmapBytes as I work with the Fishbowl Solutions team to  provide some exciting demos and insights into this new intuitive Content Platform built from the ground up!

If you'd like a demo or to discuss in more detail -  please reach out to me: https://bitmapbytes.com/contact/