Enhancing the OCM Site Builder Developer Experience

Oracle Content Management is an amazing CMS for Editors and Content Creators but when it comes to the developer experience there is a lot that can be done to improve the development lifecycle.
A couple years ago I worked with a team to help improve and streamline the developer experience for creating React based OCM components that enabled auto compilation & deployment of components to OCM via CLI. But I wanted to take it further and take my learnings from React and build a new Astrojs based headless editor, developer & test experience platform that allowed developers to quickly create and work on components locally with their framework of choice - whether it's React, Svelte, Vue etc and have the ability to compile down to a performant and optimised site hosted on OCM or third-party.
- Click to deploy components to target OCM Instances
- Improved Local development environment without the use of OCM Toolkit
- Integrated OCM Asset Selector in Dev Mode
- PWA Generator
- Cross Platform Component Support (Web Components)
- Enhanced responsive canvas / Figma style preview mode
- Drag Drop Component Interface
- Hot Module Reloading
- Theme Generator
- Auto Settings Panel Generator from Schema.
- Support for the new OCM Site Builder Architecture released later this year
- Improved support for SEO and Open Graph Tags
It's still in development but I wanted to share out a quick video to show the platform in action - if you are interested in testing it out - feel free to reach out to me from the contact page.
At 11:40 I opened up the page in visual Studio and updated the title and hit save - which you can see auto refreshes all the responsive viewports - and then right at the end where I'm talking on OpenGraph integration and the ghostCMS to show the integrated SEO capabilities and what I'm bringing into sites.

Thoughts.. ..
I'm going to be biased here - as I'm building this platform to make my life easier to develop OCM Sites with - but having a platform that I can develop and see updates quickly before needing the deploy and test to OCM with an integrated Asset selector, and preview solution that quickly lets me interact with components across multiple breakpoints and if needed push and compile directly as a headless PWA/TWA for app stores. For me it's game changing - getting away from all the headaches and time consuming processes of OCM component or layout generation is just magic..