Next Generation Enterprise CMS/DAM experience designed for Oracle WebCenter Content

Last year after the news of the EOL of OCM the team at Fishbowl Solutions started on the journey of recreating the platform from the ground up. The platform follows the same architecture and UX as OCM enabling quick onboarding and simplified content migration with the added benefit of being able to be integrated with WebCenter Content to provide enhanced features.

In this post - I'll be giving you a glimpse of the new DAM UX that is planned to be rolled out later this year with CMBox v2.

If you haven't seen CM Box or it's features check out some of my earlier post or reach out to the Fishbowl Solutions team for a demo:

Introducing (O)CM Box: A Revolutionary Cloud-Enabled Content and Document Management Platform
💡Yesterday Oracle officially announced - OCM End of Service 2025. You can read more on it here Embrace the Future Beyond Oracle Content Management’s End-of-Service in 2025 Not to worry.... I’ve been closely working with the Fishbowl Solutions team on their new Cloud-Enabled Content and Document M…
(O)Content Management Box Architecture Insights
I’ve been pulling together a series of post on the new Content Management Platform CM Box that the Fishbowl Solutions team have been working on to help provide customers with an alternative option to Oracle Content Management - enabling them to continue leveraging the functional features they need w…
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So far the uptake has been great and customers are starting to transition across their data from OCM onto the new CMBox Cloud Native platform.

CMBox for WebCenter Content

CMBox can also be integrated with WebCenter Content providing an updated content contributor experience enabling enhanced features such as GenAI support, Embedded Content UI, Sites Builder & new rendition and inline image editor capabilities.

With addition support for Desktop tools to streamline and support capture.

Enhancing the OCM UX for V2

The team have been looking at how to further modernise and enhance the OCM UX, with a focus to reduce clicks and provide a seamless modern experience for editors to manage content, create and deploy sites effortlessly.

As well as ability to customise and embed the UI into third party sites and apps.

CMBox V2 Asset Management Landing UI

In the video below I'll be running through and showing some of the core OCM features as a recap on existing capabilities and showing you where the team are planning to take the editor experience with a refreshed design and enhanced editor journey.

Just be aware that these are still very early conceptual mockup designs and are evolving as we follow up and review with customers

🤖 Please increase your youtube resolution to 4k and full screen for a more detailed view..

If you would like to know more about the new platform

- please reach out to the Fishbowl Solutions team.

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